upcoming event
“We are being transformed into his image.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Cookies for Kairos

Cookies for Kairos

  • 12:00 pm
  • Front Office

Kairos Cookies!

For the San Diego RJD Prison Ministry

Here’s an opportunity to help bring hardened inmates to Jesus. Cookies are the incentive to lure these men into the prison chapel for a 4 day program.

  • Cookies represent Christ’s abundant love
  • San Diego churches and individuals donate about 4000 DOZEN (i.e. 48,000!) cookies for each event, usually twice a year.
  • Cookies will be collected at RB Community from Thursday April 4 to Sunday April 7 up to 12pm, after the service. Please leave them in the office in the boxes provided.
  • All cookies will be inspected at the prison entrance so please use Ziplock bags, 1 dozen cookies per bag
  • Please only provide homebaked cookies

For questions contact Gary Jackson 858 472 2157 or

As one inmate said to me after one of these events “I come for cookie—I find Jesus!” The Kairos Prison Ministry is one of the most successful of the faith-based prison programs. It is an Ecumenical Christian ministry founded in 1977 in Florida, and it is now international in scope including RJ Donovan prison in San Diego. In the Kairos program, inmate candidates are introduced to Christianity through a 4 day “short course” in Christian living. The outside support teams then continue to meet with the inmates regularly, giving them support in this new way of living.

“Our guiding vision comes from the words of Jesus. ‘From the believers will flow living waters.’ - John 7:38”